Friday, March 7, 2008

aswer these Questions as fully as you can:1: Who do you think is the main character of the novel? What kind of person is the main character? Find several sentences from the book to support your this point i havemt read as much to understand what kind of character my novels has,but in some days i will be able to explian to you what type of character i got. of what i been reading my novel this starts of two brothers talking about their lifes.

2: Compare yourself to one of the characters in the book. How are you alike and how are you different? The character to this novel kind of related to my self because my brother and i have a very good relationship like the one characters have is difficult to find some brothers that have a good relationship like us.

3: Pretend that you are the main character of the book. What things do you (the main character) see? What things do you hear? Smell? Taste? How do you feel?the things that i hear is the fresh air that you smell in a small ntown where theres hardly anythig like factures that make noise and cause problems to the polution.


Ricardo Neda said...

Lifes no se escribe asi we porke esta en plural, se escribe Lives imbecil... ffffffffff

alan said...

ese vato, asta ke terminas algo wey.jajaja ta bien duro con la escuela.