Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

Describe the Project of your novel.
the project of my novel is really confusing, maybe cause cause i havent read that much but as i keep reading more from my book i keep findind out moer information.for know its really confusing.
Describe the main conflict in your novel.
the main conflict is that there a scary house thats infront from their i said i havent read much to tell you what is the big big conflict thats going where hes just explainig what is going on with their family and how they live.
How does that conflict contribute to the project of your novel?
the conflict may contribute to the project of the story because the things thar happen between them might end up telling the story.
What other elements contribute to the project?
other elements that cntribute to the conflict are the people that are rerally close to hiom and how they also tell the story.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Find 3 elements in your text that you feel are especially important. The elements you choose could be symbols and/or metaphors and/or allegories and/or characters and/or settings and/or moods and/or plots and/or conflicts. If you've written about an element in class or online, you can use it for this assignment.
For each element, write what it is and describe it a bit. For example, if you found a symbol, write that it's a symbol, describe where you see it, and describe what it means.
How do you know that it is what you say it is? For example, if you found a metaphor, how do you know it's a metaphor?

Describe what each element you chose does in the text. You don't need to describe how that element works in general, you should have already done that. In stead, describe what that particular example does in your book specifically. When he was nearly thirteen. my brother jem got his arm badly brokenat hte elbow.Thos is symbolism because he explains how his brother got his elbow broken, and he wont be able to play football until hes injury gets heeled.he didint say that his brother was going to stop doing all this things which in them is not being able to play spotrs that have to deal wiht his 3 chapter 1
when jems is expaining how a character looks,just by her tellin you the name of this character you get the message that is going to be a scary character. jems says thaat the characters name is boo which you my think is a scary 13 there expaining why this character was in the story and what does he do at nights.
if you want to go learn about cows, you go milk one. the message is that theres no other better way to understand something but by doing the thing that you want to 18 the metaphor is int he text of the book because the teacher is coming out wiht a better way for students to understand what they are reading or what they are doing in class.
That is, what's the element's job?
the elements job is to explain what the affect is going to be.having a broken arm...

Do you know the project of your book? If so, what is it?
i dont

Friday, March 14, 2008

Is your book's story completely original and new? Or, do you recognize pieces of familiar stories in your book? Ill say that my story is original, because of the way the story begins.the setting is original which is when one brother is telling the story of his brother and what he likes to do and hoe he got hurt playing football.

What makes your book's story original, or old news?The setting makes my story original from other.

Do you think that a writer in this day and age can make a completely new story?I would say yes because there are many topics to talk about in this world and people are getting diffrent ideas evert day.

Friday, March 7, 2008

aswer these Questions as fully as you can:1: Who do you think is the main character of the novel? What kind of person is the main character? Find several sentences from the book to support your this point i havemt read as much to understand what kind of character my novels has,but in some days i will be able to explian to you what type of character i got. of what i been reading my novel this starts of two brothers talking about their lifes.

2: Compare yourself to one of the characters in the book. How are you alike and how are you different? The character to this novel kind of related to my self because my brother and i have a very good relationship like the one characters have is difficult to find some brothers that have a good relationship like us.

3: Pretend that you are the main character of the book. What things do you (the main character) see? What things do you hear? Smell? Taste? How do you feel?the things that i hear is the fresh air that you smell in a small ntown where theres hardly anythig like factures that make noise and cause problems to the polution.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

first assigment

To Kill Mockingbird
Harper Lee
i choosed this book because i heard of this book, im intrestad in reading amd knowing something about this.